Saturday, 31 March 2012

Dude, where is my 'boat'?

Hello world,

Today we travel back to the rivers of Thailand. Rushing and turning, bursting with people selling and buying goods, sometimes even the boats need a break. This one in particular was parked by the side of a house, waiting for the adventures to begin.

(Taken with a Lomo LC-A+) 

Till later world.

Sunday, 25 March 2012


Hello world,

We had a time change here in London today. All I can say is, I was very thankful that it was Sunday as I really did not remember. Funny thing time. Sometimes we want it to go faster, at others we want time to stop but it is not very often that we are content with the natural pace of time. At least until we reach the state of true happiness.

Here is a photo of London's most famous time giver :)

(Taken with w Lomo LC-A+)

Till later world. 

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Work overload crazy

Hello world,

Today I thought I would share with you what work overload does to me...

(Taken with a Lomo Fisheye) 

Now don't be scared, this will hopefully fade away by June, when exams are over  :)

Till later world.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Monkey Business

Hello world,

I love monkeys. Be it orang-utans, chimpanzees, howler monkeys or any other kind, I think they are amazing. We are freakishly alike. Due to this resemblance I feel towards them, I always find it strange, awekward, uncofrotable to see monkeys in cages or chained. Zoos fascinate me. The animals, what you can learn about them there. At the same time though, there is that uneasy feeling.

Here is a photo of a lovely little primate in a cage, eating an ice cream...

(Both taken in Thailand using a Nikon D300) 

As 'cute and adorable' as it may seem to people that the monkey is eating 'human food', it really is not a suitable diet for it. Ha! It's not exactly healthy for humans either (states the person who is a big fan).

Have a great weekend,
Till later world.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

That time of the year

Hello world,

It's that time of the year here on the Northern Hemisphere. The trees are blooming, birds are singing and the colours are returning to the city.  As I was walking home today, I looked at the pink flowers on trees, people sitting outside laughing, and enjoyed the sun on my skin. This time of the year is all about the beginning. Of course for many it is the time of sitting in the library for hours at a time trying to learn and memorise a whole year's worth of information, but even then one can always go outside to refresh and reboot. It is spring time.

And here is Ola in spring flowers!

(Both photos taken with a Lomo LC-A+) 

So my dear readers, throw away any past worries and start afresh! Have a wonderful spring :)

Till later world.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Ola Savage 1

Hello world,

Today I present to you the first of a series of entries about a person I have known for a good few years. Ola Savage. You may have seen her in some of my previous posts such as: People and My Love for Lomography or even disguised as Obama in Obama in Camden. This girls is everything. She's insane, incredibly smart, funny, sexy, has a great sense of fashion but beyond all, she's amazing. Amazing in the sense of being a great person, friend and the best sister anyone could wish for. She will help, even if you don't ask for it, she will pick you up when you fall, she will stand by your side. Here she is!

(Both taken with a Lomo LC-A+)

Till later world :) 

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

"Under my umbrella"

Hello world,

Today we travel to the city that never sleeps, Bombay (or as everyone outside of Bombay calls it, Mumbai). Driving through Bombay you get to see all sorts of things, but it is while walking that you get to see the true gems. One day, my dad and I decided to go for a walking photo tour. Just as we were walking past beautiful historic buildings, this really caught my eye. Here is a photo that just simply made my day. A photo that highlights the spirit of the city.

(Taken with a Nikon D300)

Till later world. 

Monday, 19 March 2012

"Fire burn, and cauldron bubble"

Hello world, 

"Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble"

Shakespeare's Macbeth opens today's entry. Fire, hot, powerful, passionate. This fire was located near Bangkok, Thailand. Through the heat of this fire, it was possible to make some of the best sweets I have eaten. Well, I was thankful :)

(Taken with a Nikon D300)

Till later world. 

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Automobiles 1

Hello world,

Cars are objects desired and admired by many. Teenagers can't wait to get their first car, adults dream of a car to be able to get around easily and there are those who know everything there is to know about these great machines. Personally, I don't know much about cars in the technical sense but there are those few that really catch my eye. Here is a car I found while wandering around Bangkok.

(Bangkok, taken with a Lomo LC-A+) 

Till later world. 

Saturday, 17 March 2012

A blue bag in a sea of sand

Hello world,

First of all let me just say that this was not the only blue bag in a sea of sand that day. There were a few, marking the way we travelled behind us. It was a sunny day in Dubai (surprise), a family of four were going for a jeep safari. The journey started out great, the car was swooshing through the desert catching hills and turns. Then it begun. A member of this family did not do very well with crazy driving. For the next 30 minutes, the car stopped every 5 or so minutes to dispose of yet another blue bag. Overall, an experience not to be forgotten.

(Dubai, taken with a Nikon D300)

When the car finally reach the view point, the view was indeed breathtaking. As the sun was going down,  the family was dreading the way back, seeing as there were no blue bags left. 

Till later world.

Where do we go now

Hello world,

Have you ever wondered where to go? You are in a place, a student, an employee, a mother, but what now? Where do you go from here?

(Thailand, taken with a Nikon D300)

Take these stairs and go to your place. A place you want to be, have dreamed of being, no matter what others expect of you.

Have a great weekend,
Till later world.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

The Three Sisters

Hello world,

Have you ever walked around a city and suddenly stopped in fear? Fear that scared you, intrigued you and inspired you? Well, I have. Berlin 2011, I was wondering through the city and then stumbled upon this.

("The three sisters" taken with a Lomo LC-A+) 

These three sisters were standing at a corner of street. Their blue faces and colourful dresses stood out from the sandy coloured buildings. Very unusual.

Till later world.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

A 'taste' of Costa Rica

Hello world,

Costa Rica truly is the rich coast. From the beautiful beaches, to the rain forests full of exotic animals and the rich life of the cities,  Costa Rica is beautiful in every way. Here is a little 'taste' of it.

For now, that is all of Costa Rica I shall reveal to you. Listen to the sound of the sea, imagine the greenery of the forest and the labyrinth of rivers and have a peaceful night and wonderful dreams. 

Till later world. 

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

99 Luftballons

Hello world,

Balloons really do lighten up the mood. In cities, they usually signify the coming of summer. People selling balloons on those beautiful, sunny days. At parties, their festive nature helps build up the mood and often show the way to fun while tied to the doors, post boxes and trees on the way. Overall, they make the world a happier place :)

(Warsaw, taken with a Lomo LC-A+)

With the "Old City" walls in the background, these balloons create a delightful combination with the old and the new. 

Till later world. 

Monday, 12 March 2012

Flying Rats

Hello world,

'Flying rats' is a term often used for pigeons. Pigeons are everywhere, all over the world, countries, continents. Some say they are the plague of all cities. I say they are fascinating. 

If you spend just a few minutes observing pigeons, a sense of appreciation comes over you. This species managed to spread over countries, is very well adapted and is so used to people in cities that  some pigeons don't even get out of your way as you approach them. Personally I also love the way they walk. Bobbing their head with every step. Enjoy some shots of these strange animals!

Barcelona pigeons: 

Each pigeon fitted itself perfectly in the little nooks of this historic building. Simply fantastic positioning.

These two photos were taken in Park Güell, Barcelona. At the top of a hill, these pigeons were overlooking the whole of Barcelona. 

Caught in the action. As I was trying to take a picture of the cathedral in the background, this little fellow flew into my frame. 

London pigeons: 

(All photos were taken with an iPhone 4s)

All in all, there is a lot more to these birds than just 'flying rats'. 

Till later world. 

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Barcelona Graffiti

Hello world,

Today marks the second and last day of my Barcelona weekend as, unfortunately, I will be leaving on Monday morning. The two days I have been here, Barcelona took me into her arms and completely won me over.

Barcelona is a city of art. From brilliant buildings designed by Gaudi, multiple art galleries where artists show their talent, throught to graffiti. Now and there you look, colours and funky patterns stare back at you. This is art.

This is an example of Barcelona's great graffiti. Enjoy!

(Barcelona, taken with an iPhone 4s)

Till later world. 

Saturday, 10 March 2012

"Don't go breaking my heart"

Hello world,

Today, I am in Barcelona! After a very long night of queuing at the airport and flying, we (I am here with four of my friends) got out of the airport to the amazing Barcelona sun, and breathed. Breathed the air of art, architecture and freedom.

As we waited to see our accommodation, we sat under a tree. Overshadowed by a historic building, a little animal was nibbling away on something presumably delicious. Trying to accustom myself with the new surroundings I decided to just wander around. Then something caught my eye. A heart, stuck onto a wall of this strong, sturdy, immortal building.

(Barcelona, taken with an iPhone 4s)

So my dear readers, I wish you a great Saturday and that no one "goes breaking your heart".

Till later world.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Faith in Power

Hello world,

Today we go back to Sandomierz, a historic city of Poland mentioned earlier in Analogue Sandomierz. Guarding the city, this castle stands on a hill just by the Vistula river. Having served its duty throughout the years, it now serves the people on a cultural level. It is a museum. I particularly like this photo, as the dominant crucifix reflects the power the Catholic church has as an institution in Poland.

(Taken with a Lomo LC-A+)

One can have faith in the power, the state. However; faith can it self be in power, influencing the people of the country and those who govern it. 

Till later world. 

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Blue door, a goat, Jaipur

Hello world,

Today we go to a little town just outside of Jaipur, India. Situated at the foot of a palace, this town is full of character, old buildings and trees with roots wrapping around them. School children playing around, a music shop owner cleaning a trumped, and then a relaxed goat next to a blue door. The perfect combination.

(Taken with a Nikon D300) 

Till later world!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Hansel and Gretel

"And when the children came near they found it was the most wonderful cottage they had ever seen. It was built entirely of gingerbread and ornamented with cookies. The windows were made of transparent candy and the steps of toffee."
*Hansel and Gretel ~ Brothers Grimm 

(Indonesia, taken with a Nikon D300)

Although not made out of gingerbread, all I could think about when I saw this house was Hansel and Gretel. The colours, textures and overall environment of the house scream fairytale. Set at the top of an island, this house really gives off the magical vibe. 

"Oh, you dear children, who has brought you here? Do come in, and stay with me. No harm shall happen to you."
*Hansel and Gretel ~ Brothers Grimm 

Till later world. 

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Frozen London

Hello world,

Today for the first time, the very famous, popular, and extraordinary iPhone photos!

One morning, as I was rushing to get on the tube I got an email that my lecture is cancelled. Instead of going back home, I decided to walk seeing as I had something in the afternoon. This walk, on a cold but refreshing morning led me to a conclusion: London is the best at 9:30 am. At this time, all the people running off to work have gone and the tourists have not yet emerged. London is quiet, frozen.

Walking through Trafalgar Square one of the fountains caught my eye. As I got close to it, I realised that it had icicles all around! It looked beautiful. The photos attached to this post are of that enchanting effect.


(Both taken with an iPhone 4s)

Till later world.

P.S. This is my first post coming from my phone! I do not know what it will end up looking like but we will see.

Monday, 5 March 2012

The Beginning

Hello world,

It is Monday again. A day many fear, dread and dislike, but also a day of new beginnings. Some say that you should not start anything new on an Monday but frankly, I can't think of a better day! This day, people can start new plans, clean up the old to make space for the new, and begin journeys. Journeys in the physical sense, journeys to a new accomplishment and journeys to achieving their dreams. Here is a photo a road to lead you through your journey.

(Warsaw, Poland)

This photo really relaxes me, I find it peaceful yet curious. Curious to know what lies along it. The unexpected.

Till later world.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

"The Gentlemen are coming by"

Hello world,

I hope everyone is having a great Sunday! Seeing as I am currently watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, specifically "The Gentlemen" episode, I am extremely freaked out. This episode is all about everyone losing their voice, and these creepy 'gentlemen' coming to town with their crazy sidekicks right behind them. Well, to honour the 'freaky' moment I am having, here is a rather disturbing photo I have taken.

(Taken with a Lomo LC-A+)

I do realize that it is most likely a mistake in the development process but still, freaky.

Till later world. 

A Mixture of Cultures

Hello world,

Today we are going to Poland, India and Thailand all in just one photo. It is a picture of a Thai restaurant in Poland named Maharaja. A true mix.

(Taken with a Nikon D300)

Have a great weekend! 

Till later world. 

Friday, 2 March 2012

Glorious Weekend

Hello world, 

It is indeed Friday again. The day we get to sit back, relax, party. Enjoy! 

(Taken with a Lomo LC-A+)

Till later world. 

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Controversial Thursday

Hello world,

This is a photo I took in Bangkok, on this great, huge market. I was just walking around, and then I looked up. First, I froze not knowing how to react. Then, I smiled. Finally, the sheer greatness of this made be laugh.

(Taken with a Lomo LC-A+)

Tourists often come into a country with a very narrow view on things, assuming that everyone else is the same. Travelling shows them otherwise, it widens their view of the world.

Till later world.